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Warning: We won't be held responsible for jokes or pranks that you try but which backfire or get you in trouble. Try them at your own risk!

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Swap newspapers: You'd have had to start planning for this from the previous year, and it'll work well if tried on someone who reads a particular newspaper daily. Save the newspaper from April 1 this year (keep it sealed in a Ziploc bag or something so that it's well preserved and doesn't look old). On April 1 next year, swap the new with the old newspaper. Let's see if they even notice :)

Sink spray: If you have a sink with a sprayer, put a rubber band around the handle when nobody's looking. This automatically keeps the nozzle in spray-mode. Make sure the nozzle is pointing up and outward. The next person to use the sink will get a nice splash!

Salt & Pepper switch: If you have little holders for your salt and pepper, switch the salt with white sugar and then watch your family's and friend's faces when they try their food! Better yet, if the shakers are non-transparent, just put salt in the pepper shaker and pepper in the salt shaker!

Annoying alarm clocks: Get a bunch of cheap alarm clocks, then strategically place (hide) them all over the victim's room and set them to alarm at various early times on the morning of April 1.

Plastic wrap on the toilet boil: Put clear plastic wrap over the toilet, between the bowl and the seat. Do this at night so it is harder to see. Then when someone goes to use the bathroom and sits down, SURPRISE!

Salty toothbrush: Put salt on the "Victim's" toothbrush. Wait around to see the nasty look on their face

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